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Mathematics 3000 - Secondary 4 - Science - Workbook
Collection: Mathematics 3000

Matière: Mathematics


Sujet: Mathematics

Éditeur: Guérin, éditeur ltée.

Chantal BUZAGLO De (auteur)
Gérard BUZAGLO De (auteur)

At the start of the third millennium, Guerin editeur is pleased to make the Math 406 Science Option workbook of the new series Mathematics 3000 available to the teachers of the province of Quebec.

This series consists of exercise workbooks in which the contents, in accordance with the Quebec Education Program, aim at developing competencies, most notably the following three disciplinary competencies: “Solving situational problems”, “Using mathematical reasoning” and “Communicating using the language of mathematics”.

Each workbook of the series is divided into chapters that delve into different branches of mathematics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics.

Each chapter begins with a Challenge section in which students, either alone or in groups, are invited to solve situational problems that have not previously been introduced. The solution to each situation requires the use of a combination of rules or principles that students may or may not have already learned. In this section, students confront various situations that will motivate them to search for the solutions within the following pages of the chapter. Each of the other chapters sections begins with learning activities through which students are guided step-by-step to uncover the concepts. These activities lead to summaries of the essential parts of the course, which are reinforced by examples. In these summaries, students will find fundamental and complete references that will prove useful throughout the learning process. The summaries are then followed by a series of graduated exercises and problems that enable students to develop their competencies by solving situational problems, by using mathematical reasoning and by communicating using the language of mathematics. Whenever possible, students must explain their steps, justify their reasoning and communicate their answer in an appropriate manner.

Each chapter concludes with an Evaluation section that enables students to verify that they succeeded in acquiring the intended skills and in attaining the intended competencies.

A list of symbols and a detailed index located at the end of each workbook enables students to easily find all that they will need throughout their learning process.

This pedagogical tool, focused on the development of competencies, is written in a simple and clear language and as the objective to be accessible to all students without compromising the rigor of mathematics.

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31,50 $


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