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Mathematics 3000 - Secondary 5 - Science Option - Workbook
Collection: Mathematics 3000

Matière: Mathematics

Niveau: Secondary 5

Sujet: Mathematics workbook


Chantal Buzaglo De (auteur)
Gérard Buzaglo De (auteur)

At the beginning of the third millennium, Guérin, éditeur is pleased to make available to Quebec teachers the exercise book, Math 506, Technical and Scientific Option of the Mathematics 3000 collection.

This is a workbook whose content, in accordance with the Québec Education Program, is geared towards skill development, especially the three disciplinary skills: “Solving a situational problem“, “Using mathematical reasoning“, and  “Communicating by using mathematical language“.

Each book in the collection is divided into chapters that cover the various fields of mathematics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, probabilities and statistics.

Each chapter begins with the Challenge section where the student is invited, alone or in a team, to solve situational problems that have not been presented
previously. The solution of each situation requires a combination of rules or principles that the student may have learned or not. In this section, the student is confronted with various situations that will provide him with the motivation to seek inside the chapter the elements allowing him to solve them.

Each of the other sections of a chapter starts with learning activities where the student is led step by step to the discovery of the concepts. Activities lead to highlighted sections summarizing the essential material of the course, and supported by examples. The student will find, in these highlights, complete references that will be useful throughout his learning process. The highlights are
followed by a series of graded exercises and problems that will allow the student to develop his skills by solving situational problems, by using mathematical
reasoning and by communicating using mathematical language. Each time the situation allows it, the student will have to explain the steps he used, justify his reasoning and finally communicate his answer in an appropriate manner.

Each chapter ends with an Evaluation section that will allow the student to ascertain if the knowledge has been acquired and if the skills have been attained.
A detailed list of symbols and an index at the end of each book will allow the student to easily find everything he needs during his learning.

This pedagogical tool, focused on skill development, is written in a clear and simple language and aims to be accessible to every student without sacrificing mathematical rigor.

31,50 $
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31,50 $


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